Yesterday I went to Carlos O Kelly's with my friends and we ate dinner together. It was fun, especially when we met this leprechaun. Today is St. Patrick's day and I don't know much about the holiday so I decided to look up the history behind the big day and learn about leprechaun's, since they're such weird creatures.
I also researched the holiday... I learned that St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and one of Christianity's most widely known figures. Even though he has his own holiday, his life remains a mystery; it's not uncommon that many people don't know that much about St. Patrick's day. Many of the stories associated with St. Patrick are just exaggerated storytelling. Another interesting thing I learned was that the Chicago river is dyed green every year for St. Patrick's day, I never knew that. My family and I dont have any special traditions for this holiday, just to wear green. I didn't wear green today though :-X I dont have that much green clothing. I'll just have to buy something for next year's March 17th.
I learned that the Leprechaun is an Irish fairy. He looks like a small, old man, dressed like a shoemaker, with a cocked hat and a leather apron. Legend says that leprechauns arevery unfriendly, they live alone, and pass the time by making shoes. They also have a hidden pot of gold. Tresure hunters are said to often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemaker's hammer. If caught, he can be forced (by violence) to reveal his treasure, but the you must keep their eyes on the leprechaun every second. The leprechaun is tricky, he often tricks people into looking away and then he vanishes, and all hopes of finding the leprechaun's treasure is lost.

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