Yesterday was April 22nd, otherwise known as Earth day. Behind our house is, what used to be, a creek with trees and wildlife. It's very pretty, except for the fact that there is a lot of garbage and littering in the water. My brothers and I used to hang out at the creek all the time, it's very peaceful and sometimes I would go back there just to "escape" and get some peace and quiet. I would go back there to read, or maybe even do homework, or just explore with my brothers. On earth day, a couple of years ago, my brothers and I decided to go back to the creek in our icky clothes so we wouldn't get all muddy, and pick up trash and move rocks so the stream would go faster and stop getting blocked by all the litter. It was really fun, and we improved the creek a lot. We even made areas where we could sit and hang out. We also made a waterfall with rocks. Every earth day from then on, my brothers and I continued to go down to the creek and clean it up. It was a fun tradition that we had, until houses started being put up around the creek and we stopped going. It was sad, seeing our "secret hang out place" dissapear. It's still there, it's just kind-of impossible to go to now that the weeds around the creek have grown so tall and most people don't enjoy you walking around in the backyard to get to the creek. I miss the creek, a lot, and I know my brothers do too. But I am very proud of myself and my brothers for trying to do some good for the world and having fun at the same time. I think that's what Earth day is all about.
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