In history we are learning about famous black leaders in the 1950's/1960's who have impacted society. Malcom X, an African-American, was sick of racism in the United States during this time, and wished to have two different societies; blacks and whites. He did not believe what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted. Malcom X and MLK had two totally different perspectives. MLK wanted racism and segregation to end and he told black people to "turn the other cheek" when white people would yell mean things at them. MLK also told his followers to boycott stores and shops without violence and to be strong, and not fight back, and to have a lot of discipline to ignore the hateful wor

ds and actions toward them. Malcom X, said the opposite, he was always very loud and clear about his opinions and he would not accept black people to be treated this way. He viewed all white people as terrible, cruel human beings and he wished to have a segregated society. (I.e. If you wanted to get a hair-cut and you we black, you had go to a black barber. If you were white and wanted to get a hair-cut then you would go to white barber. Malcom X believed that whites and blacks could NOT live together. Whites would come up to Malcom X and ask if they could do anything to support his cause because they believed what he had to say, but Malcom X wouldn't even give them the time of day, he hated white people. I never knew Malcom X and MLK Jr. were so different.
"...Early in life I had learned something... that if you want something, you had better make some noise." --Malcom X
"A man can't ride your back unless it's bent." --Martin Luther King Jr.
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