I used to be a big fan of the television, until I started getting more and more homework, and working. Also, the internet takes up most of my time because I'm always talking to my friends online. Or I'm on my cell phone, or trying to get my homework done. I basically never have time for t.v. anymore, which sucks because when my friends talk about their favorite reality shows I have no idea what they're talking about. I used to watch The Bachelor, What not to Wear, Survivor, Real World, The Hills, Greek, Grey's Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives. It seemed like almost everyday of the week I would strive to get my homework done so I could watch "my show" at that specific time. My parents would yell at me to turn the t.v. off and go to bed, but I'd whine and whine, "Please mom and dad, it's my favorite show and it's only an hour long!" And so they'd let me stay up, if I was lucky, and finish the show. If I ever missed an episode I'd feel so lost, like I have to watch it or I'd miss something so incredible. Nowadays, I miss a lot of reality television but I've learned theres more important things than staying glued to the t.v. everynight, such as getting my homework done. I'll never forget my "reality tv obsession" but I'm glad I've slowly drifted away from it.
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