I thought the article we read with the cartoon and words called "show and tell" was very interesting. I really enjoy art and drawing so it was right up my alley. For my project after the AP Lang test, I think I am going to do a graphic essay, since I love to draw. I learned a lot from this essay. I learned you can use pictures to tell a story, without words. And you can, of course, use words, without any pictures. Although I think the best comics are ones who use both at the same time and they're balanced. Too many words is unnessesary if theres pictures to go along with the story. It would be very hard to do a graphic essay, because you have to know what you're going to say and be able to draw it well enough to make sure your reader understands what is happening. It would be hard to consider the drawings and words seperately. I like how McCloud, in the beginning, starts off with a boy doing a show and tell of his robot. The teacher asks him why he likes his robot and he says, "Because it can do this." (And then he shows the class how his robot can change into an airplane.) At that age, kids say "this" and "that" because they dont know how to explain. Which is kind-of like a comic, which needs both pictures and words to convey it's message. I think graphic essays are a kind of literature that often gets ignored but shouldn't be.
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