Tuesday, March 4, 2008

how to sprain your ankle

I am a ditz; I trip and drop everything. Last thursday, on WPA night, I tripped on the ice after dinner at Osaka. I tripped on the ice in my heels. I can't walk in heels in the first place, let alone on ice. So it was pretty much a disaster waiting to happen. Right after I fell, my ankle was hurting me but the pain went away so I shrugged it off. Luckily I was able to dance, but for the pictures I probably have a nice big bruise on my knee, lovely. The next day, my ankle wasn't hurting me either, oddly enough. But that night it began to ache and it was hard to walk on so I began to limp around the house and my brothers started calling me "limpy." The next day I had to work and my foot was killing me, I really wanted to call into work and say I couldnt move but I decided to suck it up and limp around for the 4hrs I was scheduled to work. On sunday, my mom took me to the hospital because my foot was still killing me and part of my ankle was bruised and swollen. I got xrays done and it turns out that it was just sprained and they gave me a boot.

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